Marketing Management Association--市场营销管理协会



  The Marketing Management Association has a nineteen-year history as a formal organization within the Midwest Business Administration Association, but its total history starts with the formulation of the MBAA in 1964. In 1964, faculty from business administration disciplines reached the conclusion that their needs for a regional conference could deb met best by forming a group separate from the existing Midwest Economic Association although meeting concurrently with it. The year 1965 market the first meeting of the two groups. The first Executive Seretaries were marketing professors and many of the MBAA presidents have been marketers.

  The MBAA serves as a facilitating agency for the regional association in the midwest which has been defined as including 12 states: Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and South and North Dakota. From its inception, the MBAA has negotiated with hotels for conference facilities and with publishers for exhibits and assembled and printed programs for the various disciplines. Three groups developed formal organizations of their own, with officers, advisory groups, and program chairmen.